Find out who we are
Since 1986 Pv Color has been active in the market of stucco paste and paint products for construction and industry.
The company is spread over two production hubs. The factory occupies an area of 3,200 square meters which includes the offices with central functions, the production plant and the warehouse. The complex was built adopting the most modern concepts of construction technologies.
The company where every day a competent and qualified staff uses the most modern equipment to produce quality colors and guarantee our customers a complete consultancy, sales and delivery service.
Specialized in the production of "tailor-made" products, capable of satisfying the most particular needs and solving the most difficult problems, Pv Color is the right answer for the customer looking for quality, reliability and competence.
We operate in partnership with some of the most prestigious industry leaders in the sector, to develop an increasingly broad range of solutions.

Relationship with Partners
The care of relationships with customers based both on attention, advice, sometimes friendship, and on the constant updating of their knowledge through training courses.
Cutting-edge Research & Development, capable of proposing innovations that are in tune with and often anticipate market needs.
Attention to the quality of products and processes, demonstrated by the adoption of strict disciplinary protocols to obtain international quality certifications and the composition of a wide and deep range of products, capable of satisfying specific and differentiated needs;

The selection of competent collaborators and the continuous improvement of their professionalism.
The convinced adoption of a philosophy based on sustainable development and attention to people’s well-being.
The VAT number of PV Color Srl was registered, thus the company we all know today was born.
Having acquired the Roberto Bruni stucco company, thus entering a new market, PV Color opens up a new world for PV Color, that of stucco, of which it is now a leader and exporter on various continents.
The range dedicated to the world of sport is born.
Score goals enters the football pitch paint market.
Today, with its 4 dedicated products, it represents an important Made in Italy reality on the market.
The new production center opens.
Pv color arrives in China, a new era of exports opens on the Asian continent where it sees us
present with several important partnerships.
The PV Applications project is born, designed to be the new operational arm of the company in line with a changing market, where services will be the basis.
PV Color acquires Tecnored, an important brand in the construction sector, specialized in anti-humidity products.

Cieloblu is an innovative range of paint products Made in Italy developed by Pv Color of the highest quality. The search for excellence, artistic touch and rigorous quality make this family of products unique in its kind and ready to meet the tastes and needs of an ever-evolving modern market.
The range of products is wide and destined to increase, including water-based paints, decorative products and products for treating wood. The common denominator that unites these products is the search for the highest quality and innovation expertly guided by compliance with the most stringent environmental and health regulations. The house in which we live, in fact, is the place that deserves the most attention: our families must live in a place full of harmony and well-being. For this reason, decorating and protecting our homes with Cieloblu products is a guarantee of beauty and safety.
In the development of this range, Pv Color interfaced with the best Italian and foreign technicians, thus making it functional to the market needs present throughout the world. For this reason, starting from 2017, the company Guandong Ismian Material Politron Technology is the exclusive distributor of Cieloblu products for the entire Chinese market and the Asia-Pacific area. The very close collaborative relationship between PV Color and Guandong YSMIAN is the winning card for conquering the Chinese market and spreading the innovative range of Cieloblu products.
Exclusive Distributor of Cieloblu range:

Responsabilità sociale
La politica aziendale nota come responsabilità sociale d’impresa (RSI) descrive la capacità di Pv Color di gestire in modo efficace le problematiche d’impatto sociale ed etico all’interno dell’organico e nelle zone di attività.
Secondo la definizione fornita dall’Unione Europea, significa soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti e saper gestire contemporaneamente le aspettative degli altri stakeholders tra cui il personale, i fornitori e la comunità locale di riferimento.
La dimensione interna comprende la gestione delle risorse umane, la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro, l’organizzazione ambientale e infine la gestione delle risorse naturali coinvolte nel proprio business;
la dimensione esterna comporta invece grande attenzione verso le comunità locali, i fornitori, i partner economici, i consumatori, il rispetto dei diritti umani lungo l’intera filiera produttiva e i problemi ambientali mondiali.
Dimensione interna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam congue, erat eget sodales lobortis, arcu mauris convallis purus, consequat interdum est felis maximus sem. Praesent eleifend tellus interdum lacus fringilla euismod. Nulla scelerisque, mi in fermentum pretium, sapien nisi placerat erat, non rutrum tellus turpis sed elit. Integer ornare egestas ligula. In mollis in risus placerat vestibulum. Quisque at magna euismod, blandit nisl vitae, lobortis odio. Sed eget purus non metus auctor scelerisque a a enim. Donec semper ligula nibh, quis fermentum massa ullamcorper nec. Praesent risus turpis, dapibus in scelerisque sit amet, dictum ac dolor. Donec nec condimentum justo, non bibendum nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis arcu nisi, volutpat ac sodales sed, fringilla vitae nisl.
Dimensione esterna
Da sempre PV Color è attenta allo sport, sostiene manifestazione sportive e società sul territorio perchè crede nel valore ad esso legato.